IOTC Blood Letting Activity

“Saving lives, one drop at a time!”  Donating blood today to make a difference. IOTC Joins Blood Letting Activity partner with Jose Reyes Memorial Medical Center in this life-giving mission!”  The dedicated crew and staff of the  (IOTC) showcased their commitment to humanitarian causes by coming together to donate blood. This act of selflessness not only demonstrates their collective sense of responsibility but also reflects the organization’s ethos of giving back to the community. By participating in blood donation drives, IOTC members exemplify how public service extends beyond their primary mission of marine conservation. Their contributions play a vital role in replenishing blood supplies, potentially saving countless lives. This meaningful gesture reinforces the notion that the IOTC is not only safeguarding the well-being of our oceans but also actively contributing to the well-being of people in need.